Sunday, January 23, 2011

Batman: The Dark Knight

       This is my first blog posting and I'd like to start off by giving a shout out to my cousin Robert Chapman, who introduced me to blogging through his own blog called Bob's Blog, where for awhile now I've been commenting on various postings of his, so if you haven't already, go check it out.

       My first topic of choice is something I've been thinking about for a few years now, even more quite recently and that is The Dark Knight Rises, which is the third and possibly last film in director Christopher Nolan's re-imaging of  Batman.

        I guess my fascination with the Batman started when i was a kid, around five years old, i use to watch the animated series that regularly aired on the Fox Kids network back in the 90s. This series although animated, was quite violent for a kids' cartoon but they never depicted anyone being killed, it also had some scary moments especially when it came to the villains like clayface, joker and poison ivy. I remember jumping up and down on my coach wearing my what I thought were very cool batman pajamas while pretending to be Batman as I watched the animated series, good times.

      When Tim Burton's Batman flick came out in 1989 i wasn't even born yet, just a few weeks shy of it's release and when it's sequel Batman Returns came out in 1992, I was just about to turn three years old, the third installment Batman Forever came out in 1995, I was 6 years old. I was already into watching batman in animated form on the small screen, so you can imagine at 6 years old seeing a real life batman blew my mind, then came Batman & Robin in 1997 which I hate to even mention but was a complete box office bomb to say the least. Later on in my life I would eventually look back on these campy versions of batman as even more ridiculous but it was all good fun and these films were precious moments in my early childhood.

      There was a big eight year cap between when Batman & Robin came out in 1997 and when Christopher Nolan came out with his own darker, more realistic version of batman in 2005, which acted as a origin story of how Bruce Wayne created his legendary bat persona for the first time, the film was appropriately called Batman Begins. At the time Batman Begins came out, I was just about to turn 16 years old and i was in high school, where like me some other teenagers probably felt alienated at times and it was hard for me to make friends, all I wanted to do was get away and go somewhere else to find my reason in life or whatever, so I could identity with Christopher Nolan's Batman when I first saw it on the silver screen, I thought it was amazing and I couldn't wait for a sequel.

      Then it came, The Dark Knight in 2008 and it was even better than Batman Begins, which was a huge relief, it ended up becoming one of the highest grossing films of all time. Now again i wait patiently for The Dark Knight Rises and with the recent casting of Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle/Catwoman and Tom Hardy (who by the way was excellent in another Christopher Nolan movie called Inception) he'll be playing a very different character named Bane, so I'm very curious about what surprises and thrills will be coming in summer 2012 when the film is officially released.

       Well I guess that's all my thoughts on Batman, so I'll finish this post by saying thanks for anyone who has or may take an interest of this posting, I really appreciate it. 



  1. Love this dude! I have so much I want to show you and teach you on how to add stuff etc, but ..I know you'd probably say "It's okay, I'm figuring it out" and that's awesome, cuz that's what I did :) Just one thing, you can check all your stats by simply clicking stats on the main uh ..blogspot page or w/e. I think you'll see what I mean. I also use a website called Google Analytics and they tell me more info.

    Anyways! I liked Batman: Begins. Never was a huge Batman fan, but I saw The Dark Knight in theaters TWICE and both times it felt like a different movie. There is just so much going on with the Bruce Wayne stuff, the Harvey Dent stuff, and the um.. gang stuff or w/e. Falcone right? Awesome movie. Pretty excited for the third entry in the series.

  2. hi brad, loved reading your blog. you had me laughing a few times when mentioning how you felt as a young boy seeing batman for the first time. like bob im not a big batman fan but its great to see the effect it has on young boys growing to be young men. keep it up brad. i will try to read most of what you have to say. take care. xo

  3. Thanks Rob for taking the time to check out my blog :) I know there is tons i can learn from ya and I welcome any tips you have. Yeah I've always been into Batman even more than say superman. Thanks again!

  4. Thank you as well Maryann for checking my blog out :) you know it would be pretty neat if you made a blog, I'm sure Robert could show you all you need to start one up :D

  5. Yeah you're right Rob, Carmine Falcone is the big mob boss in Batman Begins until in The Dark Knight, Sal Maroni takes over.

  6. Cool cool, the one thing I'll let ya know if there's a page break option, fiddle with it and you'll figure it out. It's the thing that puts that link on my pages that says something like "read more" then you can fit more articles on each page and just show the first paragraph or something to get readers interested :)
